Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I am bad I know

Well I know I haven't been keeping up with blogging as much as I would like. Work has been crazy and so has life. I keep getting more work put on me at work so my work days are getting longer and longer. I had to take baby James to the doc last week for hopefully our last hematologist appointment We got a good report finally. We had a neutrophilic count of 1350 which is great considering that he is normally around 700 or below. We have to go have another CBC done is 2-4 weeks and as long as it comes back above 1000 then we don't have to go back to the hematologist again. Other then that life is normal. James and I have talked about having another child and that maybe on the horizon for us other then that we are all doing great. We are getting ready at the end of the month to start work on our house again. My mother-in-law will be staying with us for 4 days and she will be destroying and rebuilding my basement for her and my father-in-law to stay in if they can ever sell their house. Who know when it is done James and I may just move down there and leave them up stairs with the baby. Well hopefully everthing will go well for the next few weeks and we will have a normal life again.

Friday, February 27, 2009

A Little behind

Okay so I know I am not the most up to date person. Life has just been crazy lately. Baby James has hits the trouble 2's with a vengence. He won't sleep at night because he is cutting teeth. He is hitting, bitting, and carrying on all the time. It has really gotten old fast. For any parents with little boys I hope it is better for you then it is me. We have another hemotologist appointment next week. I am hoping that our CBC says that James ANC is up over 1000. If he can do that two visits in a row then we can start going to them every 6 months rather then every 3 months. It is hard to get time off from work to travel downtown every 3 months. It is an all day event. So hopefully we will get good news this time around.

Also I have started doing two business' along with my regular job. I am currently still a MK consultant but usually for regs only and now I have started selling Jewelry for my mother-in-law. I know it is extra cash but I am already so stretched for time with Baby James that by the time I get home I am exhausted and really don't want to do anything. I have basically stop going to the gym because I don't have enough hours in the day. I am also going to try to get us out of debt this year and pay everything off by the end of next year (vehicles also) but to be able to complete that I have to have some extra income some where.

Now as for my reg job. I am trying to complete my ISO training. I didn't think that I would be up studying every night like I did when I was in College oh that right I didn't in college. I think I am doing more now then I was in college. Real life sucks sometimes. I am so ready for a break. I am thinking that if I have enough time at the end of the year left that I am going to take the last week of the year off and just veg. That sounds so nice to me. Since I don't think I will get a vacation in the summer I think that after Christmas sounds really good. Some of the people here at work do that and they seem to really enjoy that extra couple of days that don't count against ya. That is what I need.

I sometimes hate trying to update because I am the one person who probably will leave something important out. So I am going to try to get better and update more reg. like on Fridays we will see what happens.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Well it is about time to hit the road. We will be traveling down to Lakeland, FL for Christmas Day. Just go ahead and tell me I am crazy. Driving 8 hours for one day in FL. I should have my head examined while I am down there. Well everything is good. We have done all of our Christmas shopping I think. I know I have two new baby cousins I need to get something for but they are so small that I can get them something simple from Wal-mart like a toy and they will be content. I am so happy. With all the financial problems everyone seems to be having including us I was able to use my MK business to bail us out. Why can't the government be resourceful like that. Unfortunately I have to work a half day tomorrow before hitting the road. It is going to be a long day. I am getting up at 4:30 to come into work and then I am leaving at 9 to hit the road. Yeah me!!! I am so excited can't you tell. It is going to be interesting with Baby James in the car for 8 hours. We took him to NC during the summer but we drove about half of it while he was asleep. This time he won't be asleep he will be very vocal I am sure. I don't know there is just something about this year it is almost like it has gone by to fast for me to enjoy it. I mean not only are we driving to Fl and turning around and coming back but on Friday when we get back I have to start fixing food for my Father-in-laws surprise 60th birthday party. I some how got rigged into getting it set up and planned and decorated and all... So much more to do before the end of the year. We are also trying to get tickets to the peach bowl. Every year we go to the peach bowl but this year we maybe out of luck. My father-in-law can usually get us free tickets but he didn't know if they would be getting tickets this year. It all depended on the sale of the tickets and since GT was playing I figure the sales would be to high for them to get tickets.

I am dreading tonight. I have to much to do and to little time to do it in. I some how have to get to Hiram and then get back to Marietta to get my nails done along with meeting my in-laws for dinner before we leave for FL. I hate being rushed I think everyone does but ours seems to get busier and busier as Baby James gets older. I think all parents feel that way. Hopefully we will get to try for another baby in 2010 or before. I really don't want James to be an only child. Well I am finally getting a break at work so it is lunch time... Yeah something I am looking forward to.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas is fast approaching

Well it is that time of year again. We just had our family photos done. We haven't had any made since baby James was about 3 weeks old. I really hate myself in pics. They turned out really well. As for baby James his is almost 2 now we have about 3 full months and he will be having a 2 year old party. We bought him his big boy bed on Sunday now mommy and daddy just have to get it set up. We also got him a big boy chair. He doesn't really like sitting on the couch because he needs some help to get up on it but we think he is going to really like his chair. When James sits is his chair baby James wants to be right next to him.

Here are some pics from the recent family op...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

That time of Year!!!

Well it is that time of year again... Christmas. I haven't had time to decorate my house or even get any of my christmas stuff done. I have had to take the creative way in christmas presents this year since the economy is so bad. I would love to be able to go and buy whatever I want but with December being the busiest month for birthdays and christmas and on top of that this year I have to find a way to get to FL on the 24th and back on the 26th. I got put in charge of throwing a 60th birthday party for my father-in-law which is fine because I love he dearly but I am just busy with work, the gym and with the baby I sometimes just want a break.

As for Baby James he is doing well. He has had strep-throat and is now doing better but is still a 2 year old and he lets you know it. He is into everything including things that he shouldn't be into. He is still cute as a button and I can't wait until Dec. 10th because we will once again have some family photos. We haven't had family photos done since he was 3 weeks old.

I am hoping that 2009 is a better year for us and that Baby James will get the all clear from the hemotologist. We will be returning on Dec. 30th and if his ANC Count is up we may only have to go back one more time YEAH!!! I can't wait and so ready for him to be cleared of all health issues so that we don't have to continue with the doc appointments every few months. I know my problems are so minute compared to others that I know but they are problems none the less.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to play tennis. Well I had joined a team near my house playing again after the Baby James was a year. Well I also don't play political crap very well and the team captain is all political because I haven't been playing for 10 year with her, she decided that she wanted to win the divison at any cost and went out and found her friends and had them join our team. Well that is fine but they are all on 1 and 2 players and I got bumped to 5 because I am not one of her good friends. I don't have a problem playing 5's but what I have a problem with is that one of her students is about a B player (ALTA terms) but because she is her students she has played every match this season. I don't agree with that because she is not an A player or even a 4.0 player. I know I am just venting but this will all be to an end soon because I went a head and took myself out for the rest of the season and have decided to leave the team and play for one that is needing strong players. I am so excited because I will be playing at my level and not the level that she wants me playing at.

Alright enough venting just giving an update as to how screwed up my life is. I am really hoping that 2009 is a great year.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bad Week

Well this was yet another week I could have lived without. I ended up falling and having a concusion. It is not fun needless to say. I already have bad headaches and now a head injury is just making them worse. Baby James is growing up so fast now. We are on to learning how to answer correctly. It was the NO, NO, NO phase then the YES, YES, YES and now we are getting the questions correct. We have started with potty training. Lucky us. Now that he knows how to answer us he is learning how to tell us that it is bathroom time. We have our first potty seat and we are just trying to train him to go to the potty instead of the diaper.

The only other hurdle is the moaning. We are trying to break the passy habit and we are now moaning all the time. We try to get him to speak and are trying to make him tell us what he wants instead of pointing. We will get there just now right away. We will just have to wait and see what happens in the next week. Not only that we also have the wonderful holiday season upon us. which means that the christmas shopping is about to start. Baby James will be getting new bedroom furniture since he is now climbing out of his bed. Lucky us.